


From speakers’ scripts to marketing copy, from website texts to contracts: SIMCONSULT can provide translations into and from various languages, including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Since 1996, we have been constantly adding to our translator database and so are able to offer translations in less common languages such as Korean, Latvian and Singhalese.

Translators’ fields of specialisation

Subject specialism is an essential factor when selecting a translator. SIMCONSULT only commissions translators who specialise in the relevant subject area and who translate into their native language. We also provide our translators with constantly updated glossaries covering the most common subject areas (including law, business, medicine, media, technology and architecture). We also maintain individual glossaries for our clients.

Please contact us with your translation requirements, and we’ll provide a tailored solution.


Service for business clients

For clients who require regular translations, SIMCONSULT recruits teams of translators, ensuring that the translations for a given client are always done by the same translators and guaranteeing consistent terminology across multiple translation projects. For clients requiring a large volume of translation work (five or more translations per month), we have developed a sophisticated web-based portal system so that these clients can process their orders more efficiently.


Many companies have size limitations on their mailboxes, which can cause problems with large files (5–10 MB or more). To avoid these issues, SIMCONSULT provides FTP solutions. We are also able to process non-Microsoft Office files without any problems.

You are looking for an interpreter or translator

for languages including Arabic, Chinese, English,

 French, German, Italian, Japanese,

Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian,

 Spanish, Turkish or Ukrainian?

Send us an email or give us a call

Tel.: +49 (0)152 22 86 14 87

Ballindamm 39 · 20095 Hamburg