Newsletter July 2016
In this newsletter we have put together some of the conference topics of the past few months. These afforded both detailed knowledge of the topic and the technical language for precise interpreting.
It was a special occasion at the Event Centre Empore in Buchholz in northern Germany with invited guests including members of the German parliament together with delegations from three of Buchholz’ twinned cities held to celebrate three round anniversaries. The longest-standing partnership is with Canteleu in Normandy founded 40 years ago, then the 20-year old partnership between Buchholz and Wolów in Poland and the 10-year partnership between Bucholz and Järvenpää in Southern Finland about 30 minutes’ drive from Helsinki. It was a pleasure for us to have our interpreters working at this unusual event in French, Polish and Finnish ensuring optimal communication and harnessing all their diplomatic skills and empathy to strike the right note.
Finnish was in demand for a business meeting near Hamburg for which we provided interpretation between Finnish and German. Fins often (have to) use English at international congresses so it was all the more gratifying that thanks to the support of a team of interpreters all participants at this meeting were able to use their mother tongue allowing more precise formulation not restricted by the command of a foreign language.
Brisk wind
A celebration was held in Hamburg in the Hafenmuseum to mark the official commissioning of the Offshore Wind Farm Amrumbank West with interpretation supplied by SIMCONSULT. In the presence of Hamburg’s First Mayor, Olaf Scholz, electricity generation at sea was symbolically started.
The Offshore Wind Farm Amrumbank West is 35 kilometres north of Heligoland and with its installed capacity of 302 megawatt it can supply about 300.000 households with renewable energy. The amount invested was about one billion euros.
Fresh fish
During Germany’s only trade fair relating to fish and seafood “fish international” organised by Messe Bremen a team of interpreters recruited by SIMCONSULT supported the workshop “Focus on Aquaculture”.
One of the sessions at the workshop was dedicated to RAS: recirculating aquaculture systems. The water from the containers in which fish are kept is pumped through an integrated water treatment system before it is fed back into the containers. Apart from RAS technology discussions centred on capital and operational costs as well as approval procedures.
Other papers covered topics such as water quality, the use of artificial geothermal salt water in fish farming, the latest technology for denitrification and aspects of fish health, to mention just a few.
Our team of two interpreters provided smooth communication in German and English thanks to careful preparation as well as their excellent command of technical English and their general skills in the fields of chemistry, biology, law and economics.
Experts exchange knowledge
LNG (liquefied natural gas) is gas that is low-temperature liquefied and can be used as a fuel for ships. It is an environmentally sound alternative to conventional fuels.
In view of increasingly stringent regulations for the protection of the environmental the Hamburg Ministry for Environment and Energy and the German Maritime LNG Platform organised a joint one-day workshop on the topic of “LNG for maritime purposes, learning from international best practise”.
Experts from Rotterdam, Oslo, Stockholm and Germany participated in the workshop sharing their knowledge and experience with LNG supported by a team of interpreters from SIMCONSULT working in German and English. With an increasing number of cruise ships docking in Hamburg LNG plays an important role in maintaining and improving air quality.
The Society for Forensic Handwriting Examination held their X. International Congress in Leipzig during the very week of the Bach Festival in this city. There are about 30 forensic handwriting experts in Germany and the society has about 80 members. With interpretation into German and English the papers covered a wide range of topics such as “Left versus right-handed writing, do sister lines provide a clue?; “Handwriting changes in signatures and text due to Alzheimer’s disease”, a matter which will surely become increasingly relevant in future and another entitled “Electronic signatures, devices, practical applications and possibilities for examination” increasingly significant in the world today.
To conclude we would like to thank you for our close cooperation regarding orders for interpretation and translation and wish you a very pleasant summer break as well as a good start to autumn.